Outline of Course Content
Unit | Title | Length |
Unit 1 | Historical Inquiry and Skill Development | 11 hours |
Unit 2 | Conflict and Cooperation, Canada 1914-1929 | 22 hours |
Unit 3 | Union, Depression, and War, Canada 1929 – 1945 | 23 hours |
Unit 4 | Fear, Change, and Identity (1945 – 1982) | 25 hours |
Unit 5 | Truth, Science, and Social Change (1982 to Present) | 15 hours |
Unit 6 | Culminating Activity | 14 hours |
| Total: | 110 hours |
Unit Overviews
Unit 1: Historical Inquiry and Skill Development
In this introductory unit students will examine the following questions. What is history? What counts as historic? Whyeven bother studying it? What are historical thinking concepts?
Unit 2: Conflict and Cooperation, Canada 1914-1929
This Unit introduces students to variousaspects of Canadian History during the years 1914-1929. It focuses on eventsand groups that caused conflict and/or cooperation during difficult times. It also demonstrates the adversity that Canadians and Indigenous groups had to overcome. Students will develop their Historical Thinking by applying anddiscussing the concepts throughout the unit. Students will finish the unit bypresenting in a manner of their choosing, one of the big ideas covered in the unit.
Unit 3: Union, Depression, and War, Canada 1929 – 1945
In this Unit, students will follow in the footsteps of the previous. They will continue to explore and express the Historical Thinking Concepts in various forms. They will explore Canada duringthe Interwar years as well as during the Second World War. The unit willpresent various topics in relation to these contexts, such as social justice, government response, communities within Canada, and individual accomplishments. As a summative assignment, students will write a proper essay arguing for aspecific point of view in the form of an answer to a historical question basedon one of the big ideas.
Unit 4: Fear, Change, and Identity (1945 –1982)
In this unit, students will learn aboutthe post-war effects of WWII leading up to The Cold War and decades later. They will examine the difference between economic policies such as capitalism and communism. Students will learn about the details of the space and nuclear raceand Canada’s role in the Cold War era. The unit also exposes students tovarious ideas on Canadian Identity, leaving students to decide if that identity has been earned or not by Canada's history.
Unit 5: Truth, Science, and Social Change(1982 to Present)
In this unit, students will learn the history of Residential Schools demonstrated the horrors of the system todestroy First Nations, Inuit, and Métis culture and language under the guise of assimilation. In addition, students will be learning about the Social, Economic, and Political Changes in Canada. Lastly, they will learn about Canada's current history and relationship with the United States of America.
Unit 6: Culminating Activity
Students will complete a Study Guide in avisual presentation or website format. The study guide will guide Canadian History students through the 4 periods of study in CHC2D. Furthermore, the guide will include various components such as vocabulary, questions, images, and source examinations.